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Google Earth for iPhone and iPod Touch

Posted: October 28th, 2008 under Software.

google_earth_iphone.jpg An exciting new application was released for the iPhone and the iPod Touch Sunday October 26. It’s Google Earth. If you haven’t given Google Earth a try, you’re missing out on a great program. In few words, Google Earth is a virtual globe program with very detailed views of the earth. The images are obtained from from satellite imagery, aerial photography and GIS 3D globe. Now Google Earth got even more accessible. I am looking forward to give this a try. Get it via the appstore now, it’s free!

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3Y0X – Dxpedition video

Posted: October 27th, 2008 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio, Movie.

3y0x_dvd.jpg To follow up on my earlier post about dxpedition videos, here is another one. This time it’s the video from Peter 1 Island. The expedition was back in 2006, so not really hot news, but I’m trying to list all expedition videos I know about. 

The DVD tells the whole 3YØX story, from beginning to end.  Some are calling this the "DXpedition of the Decade"; don’t miss it in exciting, living color! Order now for US $25.00.  Note: The DVD is multi-region encoded. This means 100% compatibility worldwide; any DVD player, anywhere, can play the 3YØX DVD. The order can be made with PayPal, cash, check or moneyorder. Get it here: 3Y0X Dxpedition Video.

My earlier post about dxpedition vidoes.

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TO5DX – St. Barthelemy worked for a new one

Posted: October 24th, 2008 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio, Soundclips.

fj.jpg Finally. St. Barthelemy is in the log. That makes 320 total. I have followed the activity during the week, but never had a chance to work them. The band and time just hasn’t been correct for me. However, on Thursday, I had time before work, and they finally popped up on 40M. They had a strong signal, and it took only a few minutes before he was in the log. I also made a soundclip.

Not much other DX to report. VA5DX was worked on 30M on Monday. VK9DWX was worked on 30M CW on Tuesday. 6Y1V was worked on 20M CW, 5Z4/RW1AU was worked on 40M CW (#205) and CK7IG/1 (NA-010) was worked on 30M CW on Wednesday. PZ5Z was worked on 30M CW early Thursday with TO5DX an hour later on 40M CW (#206). Friday morning got me PZ5Z and YN2I (#207 40M) on 40M CW.

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WordPress 2.6.3 released – vulnerability fix

Posted: October 24th, 2008 under Homepage, Software.

A new version was just released. It’s a minor update with a vulnerability fix in the Snoopy library. WordPress uses Snoopy to fetch the feeds shown in the Dashboard. It’s low risk, but I updated anyhow. In the link below, you can download 2 files and upload, so the update is a quick one.

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Several new ones – V8, 5Z, 9L, YB, C5, VK9DWX

Posted: October 21st, 2008 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

The last week has been pretty productive when it comes to new countries.

Wednesday gave me 5Z4/RW1AU on 30M (# 221 30M).

V85SS was worked on 40M CW Thursday evening. This was a new country on 40M and CW. The signal was up and down, but mostly 559. It's only the second contact with Brunei, so it is a very rare country for me. YB4IR was worked on 40M SSB. I thought I had YB, but apparently not.

Friday morning I managed to get 9L1X on 40M (# 204 40M). I heard C57R, but didn't have time to be in the pile-up. KH7XS was on, but not too strong with me this time.

I was hoping for some more VK9DWX  on Saturday, when I  finally had the opportunity to listen during daytime. It payed off. I worked them on 20M  CW, 30M RTTY, 17M SSB  and CW. C57R was worked for a new one on RTTY.

I made some soundclips last week with some of the stations that I heard or worked:

  • V85SS 40M CW Brunei is pretty rare for me, and nice to get on CW too
  • 9L1X 40M CW great signal this morning
  • KH7XS 40M CW Bill, not so strong this morning, and flutter made it difficult to read
  • VK9DWX 17M CW The operator just changed from SSB to CW, no pile-up for me!

DJ6TF confirmed in an e-mail that I was in the S79TF log on 30M. He also sent me these beautiful pictures from the Seychelles.

dscn0027 dscn0012

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