FJ/VE3EY recordings of LA8AJA on 20M and 17M CW
Posted: February 7th, 2010 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

VE3EY Nick was so kind to visit my homepage and leave a note in my guestbook here a few weeks ago. He found my soundclip of our 20M QSO. It turns out that Nick had recorded me too. Listen below on how I sounded in the other end of the pile-up. If you want to listen to my recording of our 20M QSO, go here. Thank you very much Nick for the recordings and two new bandpoints!
- FJ/VE3EY working LA8AJA on 20M CW, August 4th, 2009
- FJ/VE3EY working LA8AJA on 17M CW, August 5th, 2009
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