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March 2025


Archive for 'DX'

Iota #500 worked

Posted: April 14th, 2014 under DX, Hamradio, Iota, Soundclips.

It's been quite a few weeks since my last post. Life has been busy. I have worked some radio, but just haven't gotten around to writing about it. Conditions has been quite good on the higher bands, and I could probably have worked much more. Anyway, here is my report for the month of March. […]

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6 slots with FT5ZM and some other dx

Posted: February 28th, 2014 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio, Soundclips.

The big expedition in January/February this year was FT5ZM Amsterdam Island. As this was not a new one for me, I did not spend much time in the pile-up the first week. My first qso with FT5ZM was made on February 2nd on 12M CW followed by 10M CW a few minutes later. On February […]

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ZS8C worked for #334 (#331 current)

Posted: November 24th, 2013 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

This was one I was sure I would not work from home due to me only having a vertical antenna and those active from Marion Island only having 100W and simple antennas. During CQWW SSB I know several LA-stations managed to work ZS8 on 10M SSB. I didn't hear anything at that time. And I […]

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More iota-hunting, 14 new islands worked

Posted: October 14th, 2013 under DX, Hamradio, Iota, Soundclips.

My report this time starts at the same date as my last report ended. Later in the day on September 17th I worked OH/DL2SWW again. I worked him on 30M CW from EU-184 for a new iota. On September 19th I worked 7T9A on 20M SSB from AF-104 for a new iota. On September 20th […]

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#316 on LoTW with XW1YC

Posted: September 25th, 2013 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

I got XW Laos confirmed on LoTW last week thanks to XW1YC. That was #316 on LoTW. Thank you for the qsoes and the confirmation!

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