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Archive for 'Hamradio'

6M aurora April 6th

Posted: April 7th, 2011 under 6M, Hamradio.

When I got home yesterday, I turned on the radio. 5M2TT was on 10M with a good signal. Since I need EL on 10M, I started calling. I couldn't get through, but I did check the pile-up and heard several stations on aurora. I checked the cluster on 6M and I noticed that several people […]

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3 new on LoTW with XX9, V8 and V3

Posted: April 5th, 2011 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW, RTTY.

Recently I've gotten several new ones on LoTW. My goal of 300 is getting closer and closer. I've gotten a few surprises that I didn't expect. Last year I worked XX9TLX and last week I got my contacts on LoTW. Yesterday I got V85/9M6XRO. That wasn't really a surprise, since all the past years 9M6XRO […]

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4 new on RTTY with S2, FP, R1F and V8

Posted: March 28th, 2011 under DX, Hamradio, RTTY.

Band conditions are really picking up, and several expeditions are on for the time being. March 20th gave me VU4PB on 17M CW, S21YZ on 30M RTTY (#211 RTTY) and OX3XR on 30M CW. I probably duped S21YZ. I noticed my call being sent, but never got the report or the confirmation of the contact. […]

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JW8AJA LoTW 2011 Statistics

Posted: March 24th, 2011 under Hamradio, LoTW.

I wanted to wait a little while after my 2011 JW trip to make this post, since I knew I would get plenty of new confirmations. I've got 73 dxcc's and 49 states confirmed on LoTW from my 3 trips. Yearly statistics: Year # QSO'es # Confirmed % 2002 3652 819 22.43% 2006 1521 510 33.53% 2011 […]

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JW8AJA 2011 recordings

Posted: March 20th, 2011 under Dxpedition, Hamradio, Soundclips.

Thanks to my friends Ulis K3LU, Morten LA9DFA and Rune LA7THA for these recordings of my signal from my last JW trip. Soundclips: JW8AJA 20M CW – by Ulis K3LU JW8AJA 20M CW – by Ulis K3LU JW8AJA 20M CW – by Morten LA9DFA JW8AJA 20M CW – by Rune LA7THA

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