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Archive for 'Iota'

YW5X QSL in the mail

Posted: December 24th, 2013 under Hamradio, Iota.

This was another card I forgot about. The card came in the mail a while back and was a new iota for me.

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PY7RP/p SA-046 QSL in the mail

Posted: December 19th, 2013 under Hamradio, Iota, LoTW.

Here is the qsl I got in the mail a while ago. I had forgotten all about posting this until I was about to scan my 6M DXCC. I requested this via oqrs on Clublog. This was a new iota for me. Thank you for the card Renner.

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A small CQWW CW report and some DX in the log

Posted: December 8th, 2013 under Contesting, Hamradio, Iota, Soundclips.

This year I had planned to participate a bit more in the CQWW CW contest than I did. But I managed to put in some time, mainly to gather more LoTWconfirmations on 80M. I now have DXCC confirmed on 40M-6M on LoTW. 160M and 80M are the ones missing.  On November 23rd in CQWW CW […]

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DX, dx, dx… and even some 80M DX.

Posted: November 27th, 2013 under Hamradio, Iota, Soundclips.

I started the month of November off with a new iota on November 2nd. 4X6HP/P was worked on 20M and 17M CW from AS-100. 5J0R was worked on 40M SSB for a new one on 40. 4Z5IW/P was worked on 17M SSB from AS-100. On November 3rd I worked TX5RV (Austral Island) on 12M CW […]

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More iotas and more dx

Posted: November 17th, 2013 under Hamradio, Iota, Soundclips.

I have worked a few new islands since last time, but it has slowed down a lot the last month. Anyway, here's my report since last time. On October 17th, I worked VK5CE/4 on 15M and 20M SSB from OC-255. Craig was on yet another iota-trip and gave me a new iota. Thanks a lot! […]

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