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Square #700 worked on 6M

Posted: July 22nd, 2012 under 6M, Hamradio.

6m_opening_july_14th_2012 July 1st I worked 1A0C on 6M CW and SSB. It was easy once the skip finally changed so that I could hear them good. 5C13KD was worked on CW.

The band was pretty much dead until July 4th. I started calling a bit myself and UR5LMB answered my call. It turned out he is in KN89. KN89 was a new grid for me and grid #700 on 6M. I also worked YU, LY and OE in that opening.

On July 8th, I only worked SW8Y and LZ2DF.

The band was more or less quiet for a few more days until July 11th. In that opening I worked 9A, HA, YU, LZ, OM and OE.

6M NAC was on July 12th. I was hearing several SM and LA stations on tropo. I worked SA3A in JP62. The band suddenly opened with short-skip so I worked several OH, ES, GM and YL stations. 

On Friday the 13th of July, we had another minor opening. I worked UR, UA, IT9, LZ and Z3 stations.

6M opened again on Saturday July 14th. I worked over 60 qsoes in that opening. Take a look at the picture for info about that opening. I also added a DXAtlas map with the worked grids plotted. 6m_opening_july_14th_2012

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#303 on LoTW with EK6LP

Posted: July 18th, 2012 under Hamradio, LoTW.

ek6lp_qsl New ones on LoTW are very slow these days. However, on this one I mailed the manager and asked if he could upload. According to his page, that's what he wants. I never got an e-mail back, but I got my 4 EK6LP contacts confirmed on LoTW for #303. Thank you very much.

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#134 on 6M with FJ/W6JKV

Posted: July 10th, 2012 under 6M, DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

fj_st_barth Wow, over a month has past again since my last post. Well, what can I say. Not too much radio and life is busy. Here's an update of the 6M stuff that I've worked since last time.

On June 8th I had an ES opening down to EA7 and ZB. I worked ZQ2FK, ZQ2EO, EA7DRK, EA7AJR/p and CT8/DK7LX. In the evening the band opened to North-America where I worked K4KV, W4CCS, W1IPL and VE2DLC.

The next opening I worked something, came June 12th. I worked ZB2, EA9, CN, EA, CT, F, ON, EA8, G and YL. I did also copy ZD7VC/b very strong here, unfortunately, ZD7VC himself came on the band too late for me. Listen to the soundclip below.

The band opened again June 15th with 6V7SIX/b coming in quite good, but with heavy qsb. C5YK showed up and I managed to work him. A little later I worked KP4EIT.

LA6Q was worked from JP41 on June 16. LA5UKA and LA9VDA was on a short trip again.

TF/VE3IKV in HP83 was worked for a new grid on June 20th.

FJ/W6JKV Jimmy was worked on June 28th for my only new one this year. That makes #134 on 6M. Thank you again Jimmy for giving me a new one on 6M. The band was in great shape that day. I worked JX9JKA, first time on 6M. OX3KQ and several KP4 stations was heard, but I didn't bother to call them as they are all worked before. However the band opened to USA and Canada and I managed to work 4 VE stations and 13 W stations. 

I checked the spots before work on June 29th. SM2 was working JA, so I checked the band and made a few calls. I worked JG1TSG QM05 and JA1UAV PM96 for my only JA this year. PM96 was a new grid for me. After work, the band was good again, but the skip went mostly around me. I know the west coast of the USA had the best ever Europe-opening on 6M, but I didn't work anyone. I did copy W7KNT but didn't manage to work him. I did work K0EU in DM79 for a new grid, and later in the evening, OH6NG/9 in KP46 was worked for yet another new grid.


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5 new squares on 6M

Posted: June 4th, 2012 under 6M, Hamradio, Soundclips.

la8aja_6m_squares_june_4th_2012 Over a month has gone since I wrote my last post. Life has been busy and I haven't had too much to write about. Anyway, here are some of the stuff I've worked.

Yemen was active in early May, but it wasn't a needed one. I did work 7O1YGF many years ago, so I didn't bother spending too much time chasing them. I worked 7O6T on 30/20/17/12 CW and 12 SSB. 20 and 30 were new bandcountries.

W3STX/KH0 and PY0FM was worked on 12M CW on May 6th. 

6O0CW was worked on 30M CW on May 11th for a new one on 30M.

JW7XM was worked on 20M SSB on May 13th.

TK/PA3ALK was worked on 6M CW on May 20th. He was working from JN42, and it was a new square for me.

May 28th I worked several contacts on 6M. UW2ZM in KN57 was worked for a new square. UT4NJ in KN48 was also worked for a new square. E40VB was worked on 6M CW that day as well.

On May 29th 6M was in pretty good shape. EA8/G8BCG was worked from IL39 for yet another new square. In the evening, the band opened for some nice DX. I worked PV8ADI on 6M CW and FM5WD on 6M SSB. I did hear KP4 and 9Y too, but I didn't bother since I've worked them before.

June 1st I worked LA6Q from JO39 for my last new square so far on 6M this season. They were easily worked on tropo.


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V73NS #302 on LoTW

Posted: April 24th, 2012 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW, Soundclips.

v73ns_qsl The other day I got a confirmation I didn't really expect, so it was a pleasant surprise. V73NS uploaded his log to LoTW and gave me #302 on LoTW. I have only 3 different stations from V7, so it's quite rare for me.

Only a few contacts worked here since last time.

April 14th I worked EJ0PL on 40M SSB from EU103. That was a new iota for me and the log has been uploaded to LoTW.

April 18th gave me a new one on CW with 3D2R on 20M CW. I missed the expedition last year, so it was nice to catch this one. This one is also quite rare for me, and the last one from Rotuma was back in 1998.

On April 21st, I worked TM1F on 40M SSB from EU095. That was a new iota as well.

On April 22nd I worked 9M0L on 40M CW. They had a nice pile-up, but I managed to work them quite easy.


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