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ST2AR #191 on RTTY and JD1BMH #265 on 30M

Posted: May 16th, 2010 under DX, Hamradio, RTTY.

jd1_ogasawara It's been kinda quiet here lately. Life has been too busy and with no radio activity, I havent found much to write about.

As we're well into May, 6M is starting to come alive again. On the 13th, I worked 3 contacts with Ukraine. I know the band was open later that day to other parts of Europe. When I had time to check the band again, I could only hear stations from France, so I didn't bother to work anything.

On the 14th, I was listening a lot, but the band was quite dead. I was hoping for A9, but I guess it's too early in the season yet. On HF, I managed to work IS0R on 3 modes and bands, 40M RTTY, 30M CW and 20M SSB. J28AA was on 30M, so I worked him, since I don't have J2 on LoTW on 30M. A few minutes later, I noticed JD1BMH was spotted on 30M CW. I heard him through the qrn and managed to work him for #265 (30M). On the 15th I got ST2AR on 17M for a new one on RTTY (#191 RTTY). That was my 5th qso with ST2AR, hopefully with plenty more to come. I did have a miss with him on 12M a few weeks back.

Today I started off working Fred KH7Y on 17M CW. He is an LoTW user, and I don't have KH6 on 17M LoTW. Then I worked E7, YO, 9A, 4L and ON on 20M CW, all LoTW users. Even though I have several contacts with those Countries, I don't have them confirmed on 20M LoTW. 9H3TK was worked on 30M RTTY and VR2XMT was worked on 17M RTTY.

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Potential KH5 – Jarvis Island activation in late 2010

Posted: May 15th, 2010 under DX, Dxpedition.

kh5_jarvis This is quite exciting news. KH5 is one of the few I still need to work. The organizer of the expedition is the same as the 2008 VP6DX expedition. Right now they are awaiting permission from US Fish and Wildlife Services. Read more over at DX World and head over to Wikipedia to read more about Jarvis Island.

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DXBase reflector link

Posted: May 4th, 2010 under Hamradio, Software.

I see several people are coming here after searching for the DXBase reflector link. As you get no direct result, here is the link. Hopefully this one will be indexed quickly by the search engines and help people looking for it.

Here you go:

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Updates, DX and quickest LoTW confirmation

Posted: April 27th, 2010 under Hamradio, Homepage, LoTW.

wordpress-logo Well, lots of LoTW stuff lately and not too much radio. I did manage 3 contacts with YI9PSE right before they went QRT. I'm happy I got them logged. They will upload the log to LoTW, and that will be a new one. I haven't managed to work any of the other guys from Iraq that are LoTW users. On April 11th, I worked TA2ZAF on 30M RTTY. That was a new one on 30M RTTY and I got TA confirmed in RTTY on LoTW. I managed to work 3W6C on 30M and 40M for a new Iota (AS-185). T2A was worked on 30M for a new one on 30M (#264). Some of the other stuff I worked has been A71EM 17M CW, P29VJY, 9V1PC, UN9LU and SV5/SM8C on 30M CW. On April 19th I noticed YS1ZC spotted on 40M, and he is an LoTW user. I managed to work him and I uploaded the log before work. I noticed in the reply mail from LoTW, that YS1ZC was allready there. I think that must be my quickest confirmation so far with 11 minutes past since the contact. Now I know you can get quicker confirmations than this if you both agree to upload right after the QSO, but this was pure coincidence.

As some of you may have noticed, I did some changes to my WordPress theme. I changed the look of my menu and made it a dropdown menu instead. Now you can see that the menu items have subpages when hovering the mouse over the menu. Before this change, you had to visit the page to notice it. I also made a little change to the comment looks. I find that these changes looks much nicer now. I have given up in trying to get everything to look good and work in IE6 (Internet Explorer 6). It is such a timewasting thing to have the page compatible with an old browser like that. The page should work ok in all modern browsers.

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When plugins do strange things

Posted: April 17th, 2010 under Homepage.

wordpress-logo The reason I wrote this post, was that I noticed something strange a few weeks back. Suddenly the commentfield vanished. I couldn't really understand what had happened, and I have no clue for how long this had been going on. I tried to think of any changes I had done, but I couldn't remember anything.

As so many times before, I started to check the plugins and disabling a few, but nothing helped. Since I run several plugins, it takes time to disable and enable each and everyone, so I just disabled them all. The commentfield came back. My suspicions were right, it was a plugin problem. After enabling several plugins, I found the problem. It was CKEditor who was giving me the problem. It turns out that it has an option to use it for commenting. However, it didn't work for me, and the field just disappeared. After turning off that option, everything was back to normal.

This wasn't the first time I have had some strange problems. Usually it is a plugin conflicting with either other plugins or the theme itself. So if any of my readers noticed they couldn't comment, you now know why.

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