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#150 worked on 6M with PJ7/W9DR in the log

Posted: August 13th, 2017 under 6M, Hamradio.

pj7_w9dr Radio started very slow this year. My first qso was with my friend K3LU. I worked Ulis on 20M CW on January 1st. He had a great signal, and it was nice to work him again.

On January 31st, I worked TU5MH on 40M and 30M CW. That was a new country on both bands.

My next qso was then worked in April. I worked R71RRC on 30M CW from iota AS-071. That was a new iota for me.

On May 20th, I worked E31A on 30M CW for a new one on that band.

On May 21st, I worked TC0M on 20M CW from iota AS-159. That was a new iota for me.

On May 25th, I worked TN5E on 30M CW. Ken, LA7GIA, was on an expedition yet again. As always, he did a great job.

On May 26th, I worked TN5E on 40M CW for a new one on 40M. E31A was worked on 20M CW.

On June 15th, I worked JG1TSG on 6M JT65. That was my first JA on 6M this year. I heard several more stations, but they did not hear me.

6M had shown a few good openings the week before, but I was away on vacation. Luckily I managed to catch a great opening on June 17th. The first qso that day was PJ7/w9DR on 6M SSB for #150 on 6M. He struggled a lot with qrm, but he finally managed to pull my call out. I also worked YV7DX, PJ4NX and P43A. OX3LX was heard, but not worked.

On June 19th, I got another opening where I worked KV4FZ and YV6CR on 6M. I did copy PJ7/W9DR on 6M CW, but he did not hear me this time.

The band opening again on June 20th. I worked ZB2TT on 6M on JT65. Later in the evening I got an opening where I worked K1TOL and N1BUG on 6M CW.

On June 21st, I got an opening on 6M where I worked W4UDH, OX3LX, W4LES and K8MFO. I heard several more stations, but JT65 is too slow to really exploit these openings. I felt more like I wasted this opening. One trend this year so far, is that activity has shifted over to digital on 6M. You can often hear station on JT65, but the CW portion of the band is just empty.

On June 24th, I worked JW7QIA on 6M CW. Peter was once again on a trip to Svalbard. Unfortunately he was not so lucky with the propagation this year.

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#332 on LoTW with 5A1A(L)

Posted: May 23rd, 2017 under Hamradio, LoTW.

5a1a.jpg Last year, 5A1AL was approved for DXCC. Since I did not have 5A confirmed on LoTW, I managed to work him on 30M CW. He did also get a manager, W5UE, who had an OQRS system set up. I requested confirmation for the 30M QSO, and e-mailed him to get all my old 5A1A contacts uploaded as well. By doing this, I got #332 on LoTW and 5A confirmed on many bands on LoTW. I did have a paper-QSL for those contacts from before.

A while later, 5A1AL chose to do the qsling himself. Hopefully it works as good as it did when I requested from W5UE.

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JW8AJA LoTW stats for 2017

Posted: February 7th, 2017 under Hamradio, LoTW.

Here are my stats for my JW8AJA call. These stats are from February 6th, 2017. I have 91 DXCC’s confirmed and still 49 states. I really need another trip to get Delaware confirmed on LoTW. The percentage is up 1% since last year, and 1 more DXCC total.

Yearly statistics:

Year # QSO’es # Confirmed %
2002 3651 1013 27.75 %
2006 1521 633 41.62 %
2011 2605 1397 53.63 %
Total 7777 3043 39.13 %

Band/Mode statistics:

Band/Mode Mixed Phone CW DIGI 80 40 30 20 17 15 12 10 6
Confirmed 91 50 74 40 9 49 38 78 26 25 29 21 1

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LA8AJA LoTW stats for 2017

Posted: February 5th, 2017 under Hamradio, LoTW.

Here is my annual LoTW stat post for LA8AJA. These number are from February 5th. I’ve gotten 5 more DXCC’s confirmed on LoTW since the last report a year ago. I did work a few more contacts last year, than the previous year. And I also worked several new DXCC’s, which luckily resulted in new confirmations on LoTW. I’ve gotten an almost 2% increase in confirmed contacts via LoTW too.

What is really interesting to see, is that older QSO’es keep showing up on LoTW. All years, except 2004 and 2005, has gotten more QSO’es confirmed. I like that very much. It’s just a pity that some stations who are very active, refuses to use LoTW.

Out of my 338 DXCC’s worked, I still need confirmation on LoTW from ET, SV/a, EZ, JD1/m, VK0/m and VP6/d.

Yearly statistics:

Year # QSO’es # Confirmed %
1995 348 26 7.47 %
1996 1320 146 11.06 %
1997 3098 384 12.40 %
1998 1848 244 13.20 %
1999 2482 431 17.37 %
2000 2998 635 21.18 %
2001 1685 319 18.93 %
2002 585 102 17.44 %
2003 466 74 15.88 %
2004 44 14 31.82 %
2005 41 18 43.90 %
2006 216 88 40.74 %
2007 160 52 31.82 %
2008 444 190 42.79 %
2009 2021 971 48.05 %
2010 2056 1182 57.49 %
2011 1682 849 50.48 %
2012 1470 648 44.08 %
2013 651 420 64.52 %
2014 1453 704 48.45 %
2015 115 67 58.26 %
2016 584 374 64.04 %
2017 4 1 25.00 %
Total 25771 7939 30.81 %

Here are my band, mode and DXCC statistics:

Band/Mode Mixed Phone CW DIGI 160 80 40 30 20 17 15 12 10 6 2
Confirmed 332 210 322 192 73 121 235 250 235 209 210 174 182 113 19

As always, keep the confirmations coming!

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Happy new year everyone

Posted: January 31st, 2017 under Hamradio.

fireworks Well, it’s quite late for wishing people a happy new year, but better late than never. It’s once again been a long time since I’ve written something here. There are several reasons for that. Life is quite busy now, and this page has not been a priority lately. I have barely worked any radio since November. Anyway, I will try to catch up on a few posts here to summarize some of the DX I have worked. Until then, I wish you a good new DX year.

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