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XV4BM and A5100A in the log on 40M

Posted: November 13th, 2008 under DX, Hamradio.

dx_asia.jpg You know, it’s kinda strange with countries you need. Like V8 that I worked years ago on 15M SSB. A  few weeks ago I finally logged my second V8 with V85SS. He gave me a new one on CW and 40M. On Monday, V85TT was cq’ing with a nice signal on 40M. He had almost no pile-up, and for a long time he CQ’ed a lot with no replies. I gave him a call and quickly got him in the log. Suddenly I now have 3 V8 stations in the log. I also worked HS0ZBS on 40M, not a new one, but a second band. I worked Kurt on 30M not long ago.

On Tuesday XV4BM showed up again on 40M with a nice signal. The frequency was pretty chaotic with the pile from A5100A partially covering XV4BM. I finally got through to XV4BM and he got my call correct. I checked the soundclip afterwards, and it’s good. That was #213 on 40M. I had a go on A5100A and got through, I think, but never got the confirmation. Too many stations on top. I tried again and got through, this time it was confirmed and another new on 40M (#214).


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Last weeks activity

Posted: November 10th, 2008 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

9006.jpg The title says it. Since I haven’t been on the radio since last weekend, it’s not much to tell about. The week just flies too fast. However I got the opportunity on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday I did some qso’es on 30M. I heard K7XB calling E7 on 30M, but no luck. I decided to go ahead and make some CQ for DX. Guess who gave me a call? You guessed it, K7XB Sam in Utah. He had the typical flutter on his signal, but the singal was good. It was only my second contact with Utah on 30M. After working Sam, I worked a few other contacts with F5TO, UK9AV, YO7DO, IK5ORR and YO3AAJ. Seemed like many people on at that time, I had many callers after finishing a qso, mostly EU. I wanted to get some dx, but couldn’t attract anything, so I went qrt. On Sunday I worked DF6QC Peter in iota EU-127 on 30M. An hour later J3/DL7CM was in on 40M with a good signal and was quickly worked. In the evening, XV4BM was on 40M with a great signal, but wasn’t running split at the time, making it totally chaos on the frequency. Luckily he went split, and he answered me, but wrong call. He logged me as LA8AWA. I tried to call again afterwards, but the pile.up was too big. Hopefully I can catch him later. DU1BP showed up on ssb with a nice and strong signal. As usual, chaos with people not listening and calling all the time. I got him after a few calls (#212 40M).

Soundclips recorded on Sunday:

On Sunday I uploaded my log from last week to LoTW. K7XB  was allready in there waiting. That was a quick confirmation! Thanks Sam.

Online logsearch was also updated today.

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DX World of Ham Radio – by MM0NDX

Posted: November 7th, 2008 under DX, Hamradio, Link.

dx_world.jpg One of the interesting sites I have in my RSS-reader, is the DX-page by MM0NDX. It’s called DX World of Ham Radio. MM0NDX reports about happenings in the DX world. It’s mostly DXPedition related and is often updated. I find the page well worth a look. Visit here:

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LoTW updates – lots of DX with recordings

Posted: November 3rd, 2008 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW, Soundclips.

dx_oc.jpg I uploaded an update to LoTW last week. With this upload, I got several new confirmations this time. YB4IR 40M SSB, 5Z4/RW1AU on 40M and 30M CW, HQ9R on 40M  RTTY and ZD9ZM 30M CW, 15M RTTY and 12M CW. With ZD9ZM, I now have 191 LoTW confirmations.

On the DX front is was pretty quiet last weekend and the beginning of the week. I didn’t listen anything in on CQWW SSB, but did have a quick try on VU7SJ on 30M. He was strong, but then he went qrt for dinner. I made a short recording which you can listen to below. XU7MDY was worked on 30M on Friday, and I heard him on 40M a bit later, but couldn’t break the pile-up. I also had a go at VU4RG and TT8JT on 30M, but couldn’t get through. On Saturday I  worked P29NI on 30M CW for a new on CW (#298) and 30M  (#223). KH2/AK0J had a nice signal and gave me a new one on 40M (#208). JI3CEY/6 (AS017) was cq’ing on 30M, so I gave him a quick call. HS0ZBS suddenly popped up on 30M for a new one (#224). Later in the evening, XU7MDY was worked on 40M for second band and a new one (#209). Sunday gave me three new ones on 30M. Franck FK8HC had a really nice signal on 30M, and was easily worked (#225). Check out the soundclip below. A43DLH was worked for country number #226 on 30M. And finally P29NI came on 40M (#210) with a really nice signal. But that wasn’t the end of it. 9V1VV John was worked on 30M for number #227. 5N/LZ1QK was CQ’ing with not too many takers, and was worked easily for number #211 on 40M.

I thought the week started bad, but after this weekend, I can’t really complain. Conditions seems to have been pretty nice on 30 M and 40M with some very strong signals. Now if only I could get some of those VU4’s and VU7’s in the log. I have tried a few times, but I can’t seem to break the pile-up. 

Here are the recordings I made last week:

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Google earth and hamradio

Posted: October 31st, 2008 under Hamradio, Software.

googleearth.jpg Google Earth is a great program in many ways, and it can also have many uses in hamradio. I have among other things, used it to find big hamstations, locate IOTA’s and also DXCC’s. I will present a few useful links here. To get Google Earth, download it here.
A few interesting and useful links:

Got any more useful links? Please add them in a comment.

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