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March 2025


Even more new iota’s worked in Indonesia

Posted: May 25th, 2015 under Hamradio, Iota.

iota_indonesia_wkd It seems like Indonesia never runs out of islands to work. When I look at the list on the iota website, Indonesia has 59 different iota’s. Over the past few years, I have worked plenty of them, but I always seem to be alerted about iota’s I haven’t worked from there. I checked while writing this post, and I have 39 of them worked. Since my last dx-report, I’ve gotten a few more island in the log.

On April 19th, I worked TM9B on 20M CW from EU-048. They were wrongly spotted in an iota I needed, but after doing a little more digging, the spot was wrong.

On April 21st, I worked YB4IR/8 on 30M CW from OC-249. Imam gave me yet another new iota. I don’t know how many new islands I’ve worked him from, but I’ll check it out at the bottom of this post.

On April 22nd, I worked YB8RW/p on 20M CW from OC-273. I duped this qso too. He was so weak when I worked him, the doubt got the better of me. It’s better to be safe than sorry. This was a new iota for me.

On April 23rd, I worked YB3MM/9 on 20M CW from OC-241 for my third new iota in Indonesia in just three days.

On April 24th, I worked 9M2/R6AF/p on 20M CW from AS-073.

On April 29th, I worked YB4IR/8 on 20M CW from OC-274 for a new iota.

On May 2nd, I worked JA6TBE/6 on 17M CW from AS-037 for a new iota. His signal had quite a lot of qsb, and once again the doubt got me. After the second qso I was 100% sure about the qso.

On May 16th, I worked YB5M on 20 SSB from OC-262 for a new iota. YF1AR/2 was worked on 15M SSB from OC-186 for a new iota.

On May 21st, I worked YB4IR/7 on 20M CW from OC-268 for a new iota.

That was 6 new iota’s in just a few days from Indonesia. I even missed a few when YB8RW activated a few of those I still need.

I have worked YB4IR from 14 different iota’s now. Most of them have been new for me. YB8RW has been worked from 5 different iota’s. YF1AR has been worked from 6 different iota’s. A BIG thanks for doing what you guys are doing. It’s just amazing, hat’s off to you guys!

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20 years of hamradio

Posted: May 22nd, 2015 under Hamradio.

celebration_0 Can you believe it? I have had my hamradio licence for 20 years this May. I don’t remember exactly the date anymore, but it was back in 1995 I got the callsign LB4WE. I wasn’t old enough to get the LA back then, because the agelimit was 16 years at the time. It wasn’t until October that year that I got LA8AJA.

Little did I know back then how much fun I would have in this hobby and all the people I would meet and get to know. Hadn’t it been for LB3RE (ex LA6FJA) and his father LA5FHA, I would probably never had gotten to know this hobby.

After over 25000 qsoes and 335 dxcc’s in the log, I’m still active. Perhaps not as much as I used to be, but I am on the radio now and then. I have been active from OJ0 Market Reef in 2003 and 2006, JW Svalbard in 2002, 2006 and 2011 (x2), iota’s EU056, EU055 and EU062 in 2005 and also operated contests from LA3Z, LA8W and OH8X. I have also participated in several hamradio gatherings in England, Denmark, Sweden, Åland and Norway.

Who knows what the next 20 years will bring? I’m still enjoying it. See you on the air!

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#326 on LoTW with E30FB

Posted: May 15th, 2015 under Hamradio, LoTW.

e30fb_qsl A few weeks ago, the log for E30FB was uploaded to LoTW. That means I got #326 confirmed on LoTW. Thank you to the team and to the manager for a new one on LoTW.

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5 new iota’s and 1 new dxcc on CW

Posted: April 18th, 2015 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

eritrea Here is a small report since last time. I’ve been fortunate to work a few new islands lately and a new dxcc on CW.

On March 6th, I worked VK7FG on 30M CW from OC-195. That was a new iota, and it was confirmed on LoTW recently.

On March 8th, I worked E30FB on 40M CW. Or at least I thought I did. The contact didn’t show up in the log, so I guess it was a pirate.

On March 10th, I worked E30FB on 12M CW. This was a good qso and it was a new one on CW.

On March 12th, I worked E30FB on 10M CW for a new one on 10M. 9Q0HQ was worked on 12M CW for a new one on 12M.

On April 1st, I worked Craig VK5CE/p on 15M SSB. This time he was activating OC-220, which was a new iota for me. A few hours later, I managed to work K2ZR/4 on 12M CW from NA-062. That was new iota for me. I know he is active from there several times a year, and I have tried before, but signals has been too weak. This time the signal was quite good, but as I called him, the qsb almost made it impossible. YB8RW/3 was worked on 15M CW from OC-250 for a new iota.

On April 4th, I worked YB4IR/7 on 15M CW from OC-269 for a new iota. A few hours later, I worked YB8RW/3 on 20M CW, this time from OC-237. I duped him, as I had a station calling cq test for a very long time on the same qrg. I was pretty sure of the first qso, but I found it better to be safe than sorry.


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#325 on LoTW with #3G0ZC

Posted: March 22nd, 2015 under LoTW, Soundclips.

ce0z I didn’t bother to work the XR0ZR expedition back in 2013. I had Juan Fernandez worked on several slots. What I didn’t know at the time, was that I needed CE0Z on LoTW. I found out that fact after the expedition. That has been nagging me since.

Thankfully another expedition came up. I managed to work 3G0ZC on 10M CW on February 28th. The signal was quite good, but so was the pile-up. After a while, I managed to get them in the log.

The log was uploaded to LoTW on March 11th. That was #325 on LoTW. Thank you very much for the expedition and the confirmation.

I made a soundclip on 30M one early morning. I didn’t manage to work them there, even though they had a good signal. Suddenly they just disappeared twice. Luckily I have the confirmation on 30M from a past expedition.


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