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Radio summary for 2020

Posted: April 5th, 2021 under 6M, Hamradio.

As promised, here is the summary from last year:

I worked 6 new countries on 6m last year. I did hear YB, 4S7 and VR2, but I never managed to work them. We also had several amazing openings to the far east. I didn’t work all the openings, but I did have the radio on to monitor. I also had several good openings to North America, where I managed to work Kansas and Indiana for 2 new states. I only need 5 more states to have WAS on 6m. When I check the log, I worked 80 new grids on 6m, which makes for a #904 grids worked.

18/06/2020HLRepublic Of KoreaHL2EIZ
18/05/2020HZSaudi Arabia7Z1SJ

2 new iota’s was worked last year:

07/04/2020AS-207Chukchi Sea Coast Centre groupR0KR207RRC
19/03/2020AS-068Kara Sea Coast Centre groupR0BRI0B

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Happy new year 2021!

Posted: February 7th, 2021 under Hamradio.

Here we are again. Yet another year has passed. I’ve not written a single post. It’s sad that I never got around to it. Radio activity is very low, as it has been for several years. I’m mostly active during the summer when 6m is open. Last year was no exception, and I managed to work several new ones.

To sum up 2019 quick:

I worked 4 new ones on 6m that year. E3, 9G, UA9 and CY9. The three first, were on FT8. That’s where most of the things happen these days. CY9C was in fact on SSB. I was extremely lucky to catch an opening at the same time as an expedition was there.

06/08/2019CY9Saint Paul Island
27/07/2019UA0Asiatic Russia

9 new iota’s was worked:

10/11/2019OC-111Shepherd IslandsYJ
29/08/2019NA-210Nome County Centre groupKL
25/08/2019EU-112Shiant IslandsGM,MM
25/07/2019EU-126Lappi Province groupOH9
25/07/2019NA-055ME State East groupW1
24/07/2019AS-063Laptev Sea Coast East groupR0B
23/03/2019NA-150Little Diomede IslandKL
22/03/2019NA-081NS Province East groupVE1

I will be back with a short summary for 2020 as well.

That’s it, happy late new year everyone. May the dx gods be with you.

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Happy new year 2020!

Posted: January 26th, 2020 under Hamradio.


Happy new DX year everyone. Better late than never they say. I haven’t given up on this site, but life is quite busy, and I rarely find time to sit down and do any stuff here. Radio is likewise. I barely worked any radio last year. I’ll be back with a report from last year.

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#336 on LoTW with JG8NQJ/JD1

Posted: July 23rd, 2019 under Hamradio, LoTW.

jg8nqj_jd1 This was a confirmation I did not see coming. As I have only worked 3 contacts with stations from Minami Torishima, I thought I had to work another station from there to get it on LoTW. To my surprise, I got both my contacts with JG8NQJ/JD1 confirmed on LoTW. That means yet another DXCC confirmed on LoTW only. My total now is #336 confirmed.

As the world is becoming more and more digital, hopefully more and more people will use LoTW. There are still a quite a few expeditions and hams that will not use this system. I need 3 more (SV/A, EZ and VK0M) confirmed on LoTW to have all my DXCC’s worked confirmed on LoTW.

Keep the confirmations coming!

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#335 on LoTW with VP6D

Posted: March 30th, 2019 under Hamradio, LoTW.

vp6d_qsl A while back, I got VP6D Ducie Island on LoTW. This was #335 on LoTW, which means that I now have #331 current entities confirmed on LoTW. With that last confirmation, I now qualify for honor roll with confirmations only on LoTW. I have not applied for the diploma, but it is just a matter of doing it, since everything exists online. Thank you to all LoTW users. This makes collection confirmations so much easier, than getting all the paper cards. I still have many paper cards lying around, and I can understand those that prefer them. Speaking for myself, my cards collect dust in boxes 99.9% of the time. I rarely ever look at them, and I can’t remember the last time I showed them to someone.

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