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DX update and iota-chasing

Posted: August 6th, 2013 under 6M, Hamradio, Iota, Soundclips.

barter_island_na050 Time flies, as always. After my last post I've barely worked 6M. The band has been open, but not much of interest around. Instead I turned my attention over to the HF bands again. To be more precise, I've chased island activations.

The "big" chase started July 20th. I worked R6AF/P from EU-185 on 15M CW. It was not a new island, but I didn't have it confirmed. I did however work a new iota with 5B4MF/P in AS-120 on 17M CW.

In the morning of July 21st I got KL7RRC on 20M SSB from NA-059. In the evening I managed to work BY4IB/4 on 15M CW and then on 20M CW a few hours later. The island was AS-146 and was the second new iota worked that day.

In the evening of July 22nd, I got DS4DRE/4 from AS-060 on 17M CW for a new iota.

July 24th I worked R20RRC/0 on 20M CW from AS-062 for a new iota.

On July 26th, the day before the iota-contest, there was a lot of activity and a good chance to get several new islands.

On 20M CW I worked the following new iota's: CT1ELP/P EU-040, BY7RA/7 AS-139, BG2AUE/2 AS-158, KI1U/VE9 NA-014, PQ5M SA-027 and WB8YJF/4 NA-067.

On 40M CW I worked the following new iota's: ID8/IQ8CS EU-144, CQ9D from AF-046.

And I also gave a shout to JW9JKA on 40M SSB. Svein is currently working from Bear Island EU-027.

On July 27th the following new iota's was worked: IJ7T 20M SSB EU-073, IP1T 20M SSB EU-083, AG2J 20M CW NA-111, KS4S 20M CW NA-112, CR5CW 20M SSB EU-145, 9M2FB 20M CW AS-074, K8GU/3 20M CW NA-140, SM5CKV/P 40M CW EU-177, JA6LCJ 20M CW AS-012, PR5D 40M CW SA-047.

On July 28th, IF9/IT9BXR was worked on 20M CW from EU-054 for a new iota. UT2II/P was worked on 15M SSB from EU-182 for a new iota.

On July 31st I worked K6VVA/KL7 from NA-050 on 20M CW for a new iota.

On August 1st I worked OZ1IVA/P from EU-088 on 40M CW for a new iota.

On August 5th I worked TK13RNB/P from EU-104 on 20M CW for a new iota.

When I sum it up, I managed to work 28 new iota's in less than a month. My iota count is now at 434. I worked 37 contacts in the iota contest and submitted in a checklog.

On LoTW I've gotten 3 more confirmations on 6M with LZ2DF, PJ4NX and 1A0C. That means I'm at 98 and need 2 more for LoTW 6M DXCC.


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2 new on 6M with PJ4NX and VP2ETE

Posted: June 30th, 2013 under 6M, DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

pj4_vp2e_6m I worked some more contacts on 6M since my last report. On June 17th we had a nice opening. One of the contacts was with US7QQ in KN76, which was a new square for me. I also gave FM5WD a call in the evening. He had a nice signal.

On June 18th I worked VP2V/W9DR on CW and SSB on 6M. I was a new one on 6M ssb.

June 19th had another opening and I worked UN3M in LO61 for a new square a field. I did also work TK5JJ and TK5EP.

June 20th was the day for me. I was listening around a lot but I didn't hear anything interesting until suddenly PJ4NX showed up calling on CW. I managed to work him for a new one on 6. A few hours later I could finally hear VP2ETE calling cq on ssb. I got him quickly in the log for my second new one that evening.

On June 24th we had some aurora and I worked a few contacts. A few hours after the aurora, the band opened to northern Norway. LA9VFA had a strong signal from KQ40 and gave me a new square.

The band was pretty much dead for a few days until June 28th where I worked yet another aurora. I got called by LA6OJ in JO38 for a new square. Peter JW7QIA was worked later in the evening on auroral-e. He is always easy to work when he activates JQ68.

June 29th had a pretty good opening, but I didn't bother to work too much. The only thing I worked, was UU6JJ in KN75 for a new square.

During these openings I have also heard A4, A9, FG and KP4, but I didn't bother to work them as they are already in my log.


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#315 on LoTW with T88AT

Posted: June 22nd, 2013 under Hamradio, LoTW.

t88at_qsl A few weeks ago I got #315 confirmed on LoTW with T88AT. I have worked a few T8 stations, but none of them have been on LoTW. I worked one a few months ago, but it seems he probably got my call incorrect as I didn't get a confirmation. 

Other nice confirmations are OX3LX, TS8TI and TK5EP on 6M. LoTW 6M DXCC is closing in with 5 to go.

Thank you very much for all the confirmations. Keep it up!

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3 new ones on 6M and several new iota’s

Posted: June 8th, 2013 under 6M, DX, Hamradio, Iota, Soundclips.

logo_iota Here is a DX report from the last few month. The 6M season has finally begun again and I have managed to work a few new ones there.

On April 26th I worked 5H1DX on 12M and 15M CW from iota AF063. This was a new iota for me.

On April 28th I worked TR0A/P on 15M CW from AF089. That was yet another new iota. Later that day I worked 5U9AMO on 15M CW and VP2MRV on 17M CW. Both were new bandcountries.

On April 29th I worked DU1/R6AF/P on 20M CW from OC090 for a new iota.

On May 1st I worked TS8TI on 17M SSB from AF083 for a new iota.

On May 2nd I worked 9M2SE on 20M CW from AS073 for a new iota.

On May 3rd I worked SF3HF on 40M CW from EU087 for a new iota.

On May 4th I worked JA6TBE/4 on 17M CW from AS041 and JS6RRR on 17M CW from AS079. Both were new iota's.

On May 5th I managed to work TS8TI on 6M SSB for a new one on that band

On May 9th I worked RP68KT/P on 20M SSB from EU133 for a new iota.

On May 12th I worked D2EB on 6M CW for a new one on that band. The signal was fluttery so it was sporadic-e combined with tep propagation.

On May 19th I worked YI1RZ on 6M CW for my third new one this sporadic-e season.

On June 5th I worked TM0BIG on 20M SSB from EU107 for a new iota. I also managed to get H44AJ on 17M CW from OC285 for my second new iota that day.

On June 6th I finally managed to work Bo OZ1DJJ from Greenland. OX3LX was logged at 2124z on 6M CW.

On June 8th I worked HL1VAU/4 on 20M CW from AS085, EG3INT/7 on 20M SSB from EU152 and YE3I on 15M SSB from OC237 for 3 new iota's.

I have now passed 400 iota's worked. A few weeks back I went through all my qslcards and found several "new" iota's. Somehow I managed to not enter them in the log when I got the card.


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#314 on LoTW with 3C0E

Posted: May 6th, 2013 under Hamradio, LoTW.

3c0e_qsl This was a surprise that I didn't expect. I only have 3 qsoes with Annobon 3C0 and I worked 3C0E on 10M CW last year. I see now on the webpage that LoTW would be uploaded after a while. I had forgotten about that. Anyway, it was a nice one to get on LoTW. Thanks a lot to the expedition and the manager for #314 on LoTW.

Other confirmations are 3C6A (same team as 3C0E) and 3D2C.

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