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March 2025


9J2RI #301 on LoTW

Posted: April 13th, 2012 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

zambia Time flies again. Well, I have worked a little bit since last time I wrote a post. JW8HGA was active again for a few days, so I worked him on 40M and 30M in late March. I worked 10 qsoes in the WPX ssb contest.

March 25th I worked YB8Y on 17M CW from iota OC221. That was a new iota for me.

E51M was worked on 17M CW for a new one on 17M. DU1IST was worked on 12M CW for a new one on 12M and XW3DT was worked on 10M CW for a new one on 10M, all these on March 31st.

Aprild 2nd E51M was worked on 30M RTTY on April 2nd for a new one on RTTY. 7P8PB was worked on 12M CW for a new one on 12M. 9M2/R6AF/P in AS097 was worked on 17M CW for a new iota. 9J2RI was worked on 17M CW and I got it confirmed on LoTW a few days ago for #301 on LoTW. DJ6OI/P in EU042 was worked on 30M CW for a new iota. The last interesting qso that day was with Z32AJA on 40M CW. I have only worked F6AJA and LA9AJA before with the same suffix.

E51M was worked on 20M CW April 3rd.

SU9VB was worked on 40M RTTY on April 4th and 8R1PY was worked on 30M RTTY on April 6th for a new one on 30M


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VY0HL in Zone 2 confirmed on 6M

Posted: April 1st, 2012 under 6M, Hamradio.

vy0hl_qsl_6m A few weeks back a card arrived in my mailbox. It was from Canada, and a long time has passed since I last mailed a card to Canada. Turns out it was VY0HL confirming my only Zone 2 contact on 6M. The openings to that part of the world is very rare and even more rare is a station on at the right time. Thanks a lot Larry!

Listen to Larry's signal and my post about the opening here.

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FW, 3C and PJ7 new on 30M, 3C0 new on 10M

Posted: March 13th, 2012 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

3c0_3c Wow, it's been over a month since my last post. Well, only a handful of contacts to report about.

FW0NAR was worked on February 6th for a new one on 30M. 3C6A was worked on February 24th for a new one on 30M. PJ7PT was worked on March 7th for a new one on 30M. ZD7XF was also worked on 30M that same day. 3C0E was worked on 10M CW on March 11th only a very short time before they went qrt. That was a new one on 10M.

I just read yesterday that an expedition to ZS8 Marion Island is being planned in early 2014. As I need this one for an all-time new, I cross my fingers for a successful expedition.


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2 new on CW with 4W0VB and HK0NA

Posted: February 4th, 2012 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

malpelo_sa007 Finally got around to play some radio this year. First QSO in 2012 was HK0NA on 12M CW January 26st. That was a new one on CW for me followed by 4W0VB on 30M CW. Yet another new one on CW. They don't come by too often these days with 323 on CW. Two days later on January 28th, I worked VP6T on 40M CW for a new one on 40M. I also managed to work HK0NA on 40M/30M/20M/17M/15M CW, 10M SSB and 40M RTTY. PS5F was worked on 10M CW from SA-088 on Saturday, February 4th. That was a new IOTA for me.


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JW8AJA LoTW 2012 Statistics

Posted: January 26th, 2012 under Hamradio, LoTW.

And here are my stats for my JW8AJA call. These stats are from January 23rd 2012. I've got 85 dxcc's and 49 states confirmed on LoTW from my 4 trips to JW. Who knows if I'll be there a fifth time, but a WAS and a DXCC award would be nice!

Yearly statistics:

Year # QSO'es # Confirmed %
2002 3652 873 23.90%
2006 1521 539 35.44%
2011 2521 1181 45.55%
Total 7766 2593 33.39%

Band and mode statistics:


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