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#200 on RTTY with 6V7X

Posted: September 23rd, 2010 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW, RTTY.

6w_senegal 6V7X was on 30M RTTY on Tuesday September 21st. I noticed I needed Senegal so I tuned in. He had a very good signal and I logged him quickly. That brought my RTTY total up to #200. He is quick with his LoTW update too and gave me #106 on LoTW RTTY. Thank you very much Enrico.

I seem to have missed one state worked on RTTY as N2WN is in TN and uploaded his log to LoTW. That means I have 40 states on RTTY now, only 10 to go. I'll see if I can join in a few hours in CQ WW RTTY this coming weekend. Who knows, maybe I'll work something new.

As for LoTW WAS, W7MEM (in Idaho) uploaded his log and gave me state #48. Only ND and WY to go.

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LA6Q will be qrv Sep 09th – Sep 14th from EU079

Posted: September 9th, 2010 under Dxpedition, Hamradio, Iota.

la6q The QLF DX-Team by Bjorn/LA5UKA and Trond/LA9VDA will be active from Gurskoy Island (WLOTA LH-2397) September 9th for a few hours and then move to Rimoy Island (WLOTA LH-2137) September 9th-14th. Activity will be on CW/SSB/RTTY on 80M-10M depending on conditions. Look for them as LA6Q. QSL via LA9VDA.

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Another weekend, another RTTY Contest

Posted: September 7th, 2010 under Contesting, DX, Hamradio, RTTY.

la8aja_rtty_russian_ww I noticed another RTTY contest coming up this weekend. After working SCC And SARTG, 100 RTTY DXCC's on LoTW was reached. I still had several states left to go, so I thought why not.

Early Saturday morning, I couldn't fall back to sleep, so I decided to go on 40M and start running. The first station was W7MRC in WA with a nice signal. Conditions had to be pretty good. I continued running and 4L, UN, YV, VE, PY, EA8 and plenty of W stations called in. I also got HI3TEJ with a nice signal.

I went to 20M after 40M didn't bring much. The second call was AL9A in Alaska. I only have one other station from Alaska on RTTY, so this was a nice surprise. I continued running for several hours with mostly Europeans calling in, with a few DX stations like YV, VE, VK, JA and plenty of W's.

I never bothered with 15M and ended the contest on 40M. Signals from stateside were quite strong at the end of the contest, so it was a pity the contest was over.

All in all, I worked GA and KS for two new RTTY states which makes my total 39. Totally I worked a few over 300 qsoes in this one. I wonder how many I could have worked if I had worked the full 24 hours. As always, I'm just a casual contester and doing this for fun.

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K0VXU State #47 on LoTW and last CW state

Posted: August 31st, 2010 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW, RTTY.

kansas_map The past weekend I noticed that Kansas QSO Party was on. Since Kansas was my last state on CW, and one of the missing ones on LoTW, I watched the cluster closely. I noticed several stations spotted, but I just couldn't hear anyone of them. Finally a spot on 20M CW with K0VXU who was calling CQ KSQP. I managed to work him for my last CW state. Today I noticed he had uploaded his log on LoTW, so only 3 LoTW states to go with Idaho, North Dakota and Wyoming.

SCC RTTY Contest was also this weekend. I decided to set up N1MMLogger and have a go at a few contacts. I still needed a few for RTTY LoTW DXCC. The exchange in this one was RST and the year when you first got your licence. I got off to a pretty good run until I station gave me 1982 as a report. N1MM didn't like this at all and would not log it. I ended up logging another year, then edited the qso manually. I didn't connect it at all until my second 1982 station. I was now prepared, so I managed to log that one as well. Then I suddenly got strange crashes, and I got another bug. If I tried to log a dupe or log a station on a second band, N1MM crashed. Luckily, a fix was quickly sent out on the reflector, and it worked out ok. I worked about 200 qsoes in this one. Nothing new, except state 37 with Alabama.

On LoTW I got #100 on RTTY with GW confirmed.

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3 new on RTTY with 9M6, HS and VQ9

Posted: August 25th, 2010 under Contesting, DX, Hamradio, RTTY.

vq9_hs_9m6_rtty I noticed this weekend that it was time for the SARTG RTTY contest. I thought I would listen in a little bit to look for some new RTTY DXCC's. On Sunday, I set up N1MM Logger and started listening. 9M6XRO was spotted on 15M. John uses LoTW and I still need a few to get 100 on LoTW RTTY. I called him and after a few minutes, I managed to work him for #197 on RTTY and #226 on 15M. E21YDP followed shortly on 15M for #198 on RTTY. The last new one on RTTY was VQ9LA on 15M RTTY about an hour later. I started calling a bit myself and managed to work about 170 contacts. I got the best run on 20M, and had callers for a couple of hours before I quit. I had several JA stations calling in, and also several USA stations. 9M6XRO and E21YDP called in on 20M for our second band. Among other nice ones were calls from HL, W7 and VE7, and finally I managed 4 new states with DE, KY, VT and WA.

I uploaded the log to LoTW on Sunday evening, and I have gotten plenty of confirmations. I'm just 2 away from LoTW RTTY DXCC. I guess those will come quickly, since I know I worked LoTW users that haven't uploaded the log yet.

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