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Archive for 'Iota'

SAC CW 2012 and some DX

Posted: September 30th, 2012 under Contesting, DX, Hamradio, Iota, Soundclips.

Little radio since last time, though I have a short report here. Since last time, I worked RW0BG/9 in AS-109 for a new iota. R7LP/0 was also worked but I’m not 100% sure on this iota. I think it is AS-149. If it is, I worked it once before. OZ3FYN/p was worked from EU-172 as […]

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3 new iota’s worked, or so I thought :)

Posted: August 29th, 2012 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio, Iota, Soundclips.

As you probably guessed by the title, I worked a few new iota's. Last weekend, I was up early and thought I'd check the cluster for anything interesting. The first one I noticed, was YP1S in EU-183. They were on 40M CW, but as I was ready to chase them, they dissappeared. The next one […]

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RI0K AS-061 worked for a new iota

Posted: August 19th, 2012 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio, Iota, Soundclips.

After the big 6M North-American opening I reported about last time, I have barely worked anything. July 22nd did have an opening where I worked A9, UT, YU, HA, E7, YO, 9A and I. Nothing of that was new, but at least the band was open. On July 23rd, I worked YL/OH5LID from KO36 on […]

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Rockall EU-189 worked for a new IOTA

Posted: October 9th, 2011 under DX, Hamradio, Iota.

I'm not a big IOTA collector, but I did manage to work MM0RAI/p on 40M SSB last weekend on October 2nd. They were only qrv for a short while, and the skip wasn't very favourable for me. I woke up during the night, and I checked, I could read them fine and gave them a […]

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NA-232 and NA-242 worked in Alaska for 2 new IOTA’s

Posted: July 29th, 2011 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio, Iota.

Saturday July 23rd, I had some time to play radio. I knew there were a few IOTA's on in Alaska that had never been activated before, so I was looking for them. K6VVA/KL7 NA-242 was on 30M CW early in the day. He was fluttery and not too strong. I heard an SM station working […]

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