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Small opening to North-America on 6M

Posted: November 17th, 2016 under 6M, Hamradio, Soundclips.

6m_august_2016_na_opening Time flies way too fast. I see that I haven’t written anything here since late July. 6M season ES-season is done here. It’s more back to working meteorscatter or the occasional aurora. However, when you think the summer season is done, it throws you a curveball. In August we had a surprise opening to North America on 6M. You can see the grids worked in the attached picture. The tool was generated with a tool written by DL4MFM. You can try the tool here.

On June 15th, we got an opening on 6M to Northern Norway. I worked LA7DHA in JP68 and LA7HAA in JP78. JP68 was a new grid on 6M.

On June 19th, I worked A45XR on 6M CW. 9K2NO was worked on 6M CW from LL39. That was a new grid on 6M.

On June 21st, I worked LA/DK2BJ on 6M JT6M from JP44 for a new grid.

On August 8th, I worked LB7FA on 6M JT6M from JP88 for a new grid.

On August 9th, I worked EI9E on 6M SSB from IO44 for a new grid. I did also copy S01WS on 6M CW for a quite a while.

On August 13th, I worked OJ0DX on 6M CW on backscatter from around 150 degrees. The signal had heavy qsb, but peaked S9 at times.

On August 14th, I got a surprise opening to North America on 6M. I managed to work 10 stations, and 3 of them were new calls in the log.  The opening was concentrated into a pretty small area, and I only worked FN31, FN41, FN42, FN43, FN44, FN54 and FN65. That was the first time I every worked USA and Canada on 6M in August.

On August 20th, I worked CY9C on 40M and 30M CW.

On August 23rd, I got a nice aurora on 6M. I worked 21 stations in GM, OH, LA, SM, OZ and EI. LA6TPA was worked on 6M CW in JP54 for a new grid.

On August 24th, I worked 5A1AL on 30M CW.

On August 26th, I worked CY9C on 20M CW.

On August 27th, I worked CY9C on 17M SSB and CW. K9AJ/VY0 was worked on 20M CW from NA-159 for a new iota.


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Big 6M opening to North America on 6M

Posted: July 29th, 2016 under 6M, DX, Hamradio.

6m_opening_june_13th_2016 On June 13th, I noticed on ON4KST that Europe was running North-America on 6M. I turned the yagi and started listening. To my surprise, I could hear several stations. I heard several stations on CW and SSB. I gave a few stations a call on SSB. Among them was VO1KVT in GN29. That was a new square for me. I very rarely hear VO1 here, so that was quite fun.

I went to CW and started calling. It wasn’t long until I got my first answer. After that, the callers continued for quite a while. I also got several new gridsquares, but no new states. I ended up with 53 contacts in CT, FL, GA, MA, ME, MS, NC, NH, NJ, NY, PA, SC and TX. While working USA, HI3TEJ called in. That is the only station I’ve worked from the Caribbean this year.

This was one of my best openings to North-America. Very often, the openings start very late in the evening for me, but this opening started around 14z. I could probably have worked many more stations, but I spent a lot of time listening around for new states as well.

If you look at the picture, the path and most of the calls worked, can be seen.

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Gridmaker for DX Atlas

Posted: July 14th, 2016 under Hamradio, Software.

6m_aurora_29_may_2010 As I enjoy programming, I sometimes make small tools that may be useful to other people. Most of them have been hamradio related. I decided to make my own tool for extracting gridsquares and fields from ADIF-files and make files for use in DX Atlas.

DX Atlas has a nice map, and worked/confirmed gridsquares can be marked on a map. You need to upload your adif-file, choose band, and you will get a zip-file containing two files in return. Open these files in DX Atlas, and you will get a map like the one on the picture attached here.

To try out the tool, go to

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#149 worked on 6M with S01WS

Posted: July 12th, 2016 under 6M, Hamradio.

s01ws_qsl On June 12th, 6M opened again. S01WS was spotted in big parts of Europe. I have never heard them before, and I know several LA’s have worked them. I also missed them when several LA’s worked them on F2.

I started hearing bits and pieces on SSB, but I struggled with some intermittent noise on the frequency. Finally they came up enough to get a contact. That was #149 on 6M. A few hours later, they changed to CW, and I managed to work them on that mode too. Afterwards, I heard that they were using 10W and a dipole. No wonder I haven’t heard them before. The double-hop conditions must have been quite good today.

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VE1PZ worked during an aurora on 6M

Posted: July 8th, 2016 under 6M, Hamradio, Soundclips.

ve1pz_qsl On June 5th, I noticed we had an ongoing aurora on 6M. I turned the yagi to the north and started listening on the band. I worked LA1NG in JP66 on SSB. He was very strong, and didn’t have the characteristic aurora on him. Instead it was more like auroral-e. LA4IX in Tromsø called me as well, but since it wasn’t my frequency, I lost him. The signals peaked at around 330 deg. This was quite unusual and the aurora was quite intense. I went to CW and started calling, and got a few calls from LA and SM. I also got a call from MM0BSM, and I turned the yagi a bit to around 300 degrees to peak his signal. When I finished with MM0BSM, I suddenly heard a VE station calling me. He had to repeat his call, and it turned out that it was VE1PZ on aurora. We quickly exchanged reports, and I called, hoping for more. Unfortunately, the opening went away after that.

VE1PZ heard me a little while after we worked, and I asked if he could record me. The recording can be heard below. VE1PZ said that the signal peaked at 350 degrees for him. They did have a good aurora at the same time. I have worked USA on aurora before, but that was way back in 2002 when we had F2. This was very fun, and openings like this is what makes 6M fun.


LA8AJA 6M CW – aurora recorded by VE1PZ

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